DEN 358, DEN 628, DEN 409, DEN 765, GER 688, SWE 671, SWE 454, SWE 408 either have said they will sign up for the Melges 24 Open Danish Championship or they already have their boat parked in our harbor, fit for fight.

So, if you want to be part of the game, SIGN UP!


We have made a deal with about tracking from Danish Open all 3 days, so now your family and friends can follow the races on a Windows-computer connected to the Internet.

A big screen will be set up at the yacht club, so you can have a beer while discussing the tactics with your sailer friends.

Efter 12 sejladser med 95 deltagende både blev det samlede resultat af verdensmesterskabet en suveræn førsteplads og fortjent guld Læs mere

Troels Lykke varmer op til spændende dage i SSF på sit sejlsportswebsite Minbå

Status on participants at Melges 24 Open Danish Championship as per 21 July 2015: At the moment we have 8 boats officially signed up. See the official list.

We have information that several boats are in the process of signing up for the Open Danish Championship. The following boats will sign up shortly: Læs mere

Sundby Sejlforenings havn er lukket for gæstesejlere fra mandag den 17. august til mandag den 24. august, hvor SSF er vært for internationalt DM i Melges 24.

LLB i Langeliniehavnen og Sejlklubben Lynetten håber på 100 både til deres bidrag til Øresundsugen den 8. – 15. august, en venligsindet kapsejlads ‘Forterne Rundt’ og efterfølgende stor fest på Toldboden for 600 sejlere, altsammen til særdeles rimelig pris.
Flere SSF’ere overvejer at deltage i både kapsejlads og fest. Skal du med? Se invitationen i pdf.

Sundby Sejlforening er vært for det internationale DM i Melges 24 fra den 21.-23. august.
I den forbindelse skal vi bruge bådpladser til de deltagende både. Det drejer sig om plads 287 til og med 314.  Læs mere

Stort til lykke til Brian Frisendahl, Michael Empacher & Claus Nygaard i FD 841 ‘Tibbe Tit’, der vandt sølv til SSF Læs mere

DieselHouse gentager successen fra sidste år og afholder Maritimt Stumpe- & Loppemarked søndag den 6. september 2015:  Læs mere


Så er der kun een måned til årets spændende & muntre kapsejlads, der er gammel tradition i vor forening. Læs mere

Historiens vingesus ramte mig en solskinsmorgen i skurgaden på sdr. mole.


Læs mere

LLB i Langeliniehavnen inviterer atter til  deres traditionelle kapsejlads ‘SRC Saltholm Rundt for Cruisers’ den 5. september 2015, hvor man forventer deltagelse af ca. 100 både.
Der vil være mange flotte præmier, grillbuffet, live musik og hygge på kajen. Alle kan deltage.

Invitationen åbner i pdf i et nyt vindue.


The organizing club

Sundby Sejlforening (SSF) is a private harbour, built and owned by its members, at the North-East coast of the island Amager, 3,5 km South-East of the center of Copenhagen.
The yacht club was founded in 1923 and today it has around thousand members and 350 motor and sail boats.


The harbour

SSF_venue_sat1  Maritime Youth House: Bureau, jury room, bath & toilets, draft beer & barbecue …
2  Boats; the pier is reserved for Melges 24
3  The camp
4  Launch area, gasoline, crane, workshop
5   SSF clubhouse, restaurant
6   Entrance
7   Car park (cars of early arriving boats will be parked in the harbour area, inside the fence)
8   The ‘Gold Coast’, lawn with barbecue, big trees & small gardens

The race area

Will be 3-4 nm. from the harbor, in an area without traffic, except an occasional yacht, between Flakfortet to the North and the big island Saltholm to the South. Details later.

Where to find


1   SSF harbour
2   Coop supermarket & Fakta discount market, a 10 minutes’ walk
3   Lidl supermarket, a 10 minutes’ walk. Discount, but excellent bread
4   Amager Strandpark, beach with kite surfers, ice cream & cafees, South of the harbour; one of the finest beaches in Denmark and only a ten minutes’ walk away.
5   Metro station ‘Øresund’
6   Sailmaker Quantum Sails, Amager Strandvej 50.

Getting around

The fastest and most convenient way of getting around is the Metro. The station closest to the SSF harbour is ‘Øresund’, a pleasant 10 minutes’ walk from your boat. Trains run very frequently and a 7 minutes’ ride brings you to Kongens Nytorv in the very center of Copenhagen, where you find the famous shopping street ‘Strøget’, the Royal Theatre, Nyhavn, and a lot of fancy bars and restaurants.
Riding the Metro in the opposite direction from Øresund will take you to Copenhagen Airport in less than 15 minutes.